The best possible outcome

When curveballs are thrown I'm a huge fan of affirmations and meditations and peaceful gratitude journalling.  It's helped me through many a dark day.


I know that our mind has the natural desire to protect us from disappointment and hurt and so thinking about the worst-case scenario comes naturally to many. But with practice and repetition, we can work to reframe our thinking.


Reflect on the best-case scenario in regard to a challenge you are currently facing.  Maybe you're struggling to find clarity or seeking answers or understanding.  I invite you to just quietly reflect; if you were to look back on your journey a month or 6 months or a year from now and look at what you've been through and just think WOW, this worked out as it should or even better.  Imagine how you would feel….. Are you excited, relieved, happy? Maybe you feel proud, comforted, refreshed, fulfilled?


Imagine how you would look and feel and carry yourself as you step forward with clarity and peace around you. Fully immerse yourself in this feeling.  Hold that vision in your mind.  


I choose the best possible outcome.

Give yourself this gift of choosing the best possible outcome.


Wishing you a joyful weekend.


p.s.  Some beautiful mindful products are on their way to the website very very soon.  I will let you know as soon as they land.


Illuminate Your Senses: Unveiling Our Natural Massage Candle Range

