Kansa Wand Magic

Are you thinking about your skin spring clean yet? I know it's still raining, but we've got to be optimistic! And if you are thinking of a glow up then have you tried a Kansa Wand facial?


Kansa is an Ayurvedic massage tool made from copper and tin.  It's key benefits are detoxification, stimulation and relaxation.


It feels beautiful during the facial; everybody without exception is loving this new addition.  It is pH balancing (your skin can produce a film ranging in colour from grey to black depending on acidity, but don't panic this just washes away - it is quite extraordinary to witness though and I will always pass you a mirror to check out any such excitement!) It's just a chemical reaction due to any acidity on your skin.  Some people have none - always a disappointment!


The Kansa also promotes very effective lymphatic drainage, stress and tension relief (excellent if you're a jaw clencher and teeth grinder like myself) massively stimulates your circulation, works muscles and gives a superb glow.  It works beautifully with the Face Food Serum.


If you are interested to know more please drop me a line.  I'm considering stocking them as the next accessory so please do let me know if you think you might be interested.  Prices can be crazy from £10 (questionable quality) to £80 (bonkers!)

 I will keep you posted on product sourcing.

With love

Sally xx


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